Everything Everywhere All At Once

Once it starts, it never stops, 2 hours of non-stop madness . . . a cinematic assault. It’s the most ridiculous film I’ve ever seen. It defies explanation with every passing second. Leaving you scratching your head.

It is very cinematic, with simple filmmaking . . . and chorography, in ‘sort-of’ trashy 1980s Hong Kong kung-fu kind of way. There is an emotional depth underneath this crazy multiverse mayhem, Evelyn, a Chinese-American immigrant who runs a laundromat with husband Waymond, has a business to run, taxes to file, customers to please, a father to live up to, a husband to argue with, and a daughter she increasingly cannot relate to.

What follows is a pounding predictable martial-arts brawl with some laughs along the way. Jamie Lee Curtis is obviously enjoying herself more than us, and it shows. It’s the biggest-hearted movie that features someone being beaten to death with two massive, floppy dildos. You’ll laugh at daftest fight scene ever committed to film and never look at a bagel the same way again.

I can’t defend its technical boldness, wild inovation, emotional storytelling, comedic elements, action, and performances. Everything Everywhere All at Once is rather overrated, bloated and a load of old nonsense. It will probably all the awards at the Oscars next month.

This is available to watch on Amazon Prime.



The 95th Academy Awards

